All orders will be fulfilled @ end of September due to convention scheduling conflicts.
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9S& 2B Mug

$25.00 - $40.00

"The time I was able to spend with you. It was like memories of pure light. Thank you... Nine... s"

Mugs inspired by 2B and 9S from NieR: Automata! Each mug has both 2B and 9S on the front and the back of the mug. However if you get two of them, you can finally connect them together! Perfect for you and your beloved partner ❤️

My friend Fish is stuck in Canada and her mugs are stuck here with me in California so I decided to help her out with shipping the mugs and selling them at conventions for her! There are very limited quantities and can only be shipped from the United States!

Please feel free to visit Fish at her socials and her online shop!
twitter | shop | carrd

As these are heavy items, the shipping charge will be separated from other purchases in your order! Thank you for your understanding.